2015-01-02-Ronse-Start to Walk
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Fotograaf: moveloken   

078-Einde lus 3-6.810km...
© Alle rechten voorbehouden

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Foto details (EXIF)

ApertureValue:  3265/1000
Artist:  Picasa
ColorSpace:  1
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CompressedBitsPerPixel:  27232992/12756080
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Copyright:  Copyright 2014
DateTime:  2015:01:02 19:56:13
DateTimeDigitized:  2015:01:02 13:55:16
DateTimeOriginal:  2015:01:02 13:55:16
DigitalZoomRatio:  100/100
ExifImageLength:  4608
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WhiteBalance:  0
WinXP-Author:  P
YCbCrPositioning:  2


Toegevoegd door: moveloken
Toegevoegd op: 03-01-2015
Album: 2015-01-02-Ronse-Start to Walk
45 keer gezien | 0 keer gedownload

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