on the road
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Fotograaf: John Claxon   

Bernkastel toeristenbus
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Foto details (EXIF)

Artist:  Picasa
Compression:  6
DateTime:  2012:11:24 13:53:29
DateTimeOriginal:  4501-01-01T00:00:00+01:00
ExifImageLength:  626
ExifImageWidth:  939
ExifOffset:  96
ExifVersion:  0220
ImageUniqueID:  1f04d25109bd669b7905d7e2622a693d
InteroperabilityOffset:  228
InteroperabilityVersion:  0100
JPEGInterchangeFormat:  364
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength:  6743
RelatedImageLength:  1024
RelatedImageWidth:  768
ResolutionUnit:  2
Software:  Picasa
XResolution:  72/1
YResolution:  72/1


Toegevoegd door: John Claxon
Toegevoegd op: 24-11-2012
Album: on the road
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