Natuurparken USA
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Fotograaf: cosmic   


The Homestake Mine was a
deep underground gold mine located in Lead, South Dakota. Until it closed in 2002 it
was the largest and deepest gold mine in North America, producing more than 40 million ounces (approximately 1.25 million kilograms) of gold.[1]
The Homestake Mine is famous in scientific circles for being the site at which
the solar neutrino problem was first discovered.
This became known as the Homestake Experiment. The deep underground
laboratory was set up by Raymond Davis Jr. in the mid-1960s to become the first experiment to observe solar neutrinos.

On July 10, 2007, the mine was
selected by the National Science Foundation as the
for the Deep Underground
Science and Engineering Laboratory
(DUSEL), winning out over several
candidates including the Henderson Mine near Empire,
. If completed, the DUSEL facility will continue the early work on
ultra-low-background experiments on dark matter
and neutrinos,
as well as providing a site for biology, geology, and mining research.

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Toegevoegd door: cosmic
Toegevoegd op: 21-09-2013
Album: Natuurparken USA
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