Mijn schilderijen
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Fotograaf: Octopus   

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Foto details (EXIF)

Artist:  Stockbrokerxtra Images
ColorSpace:  65535
Compression:  6
Copyright:  Copyright 2010 photolibrary.com
DateTime:  2010:06:07 15:00:39
ExifImageLength:  2459
ExifImageWidth:  2806
ExifOffset:  316
ImageDescription:  Portrait of a woman's hand and a goldfis...
JPEGInterchangeFormat:  454
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength:  3190
Orientation:  1
ResolutionUnit:  2
Software:  Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh
XResolution:  3000000/10000
YResolution:  3000000/10000


Toegevoegd door: Octopus
Toegevoegd op: 29-05-2011
Album: Mijn schilderijen
46 keer gezien | 0 keer gedownload

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