10 "K & H Bank - Hungary"
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Fotograaf: JanWillems   
01 K&H - Intercontinental hotel 01 K&H - Intercontinental hotel
My very first 'audit mission' in Central-Europe was in Hungary ... Budapest ... the K&H Bank (Kereskedelmi es Hitel Bank) ... Notwithstanding the very hard work,  I have fantastic (very nice) memories to my 'audit missions' i [meer]

Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:33:54
Gemaakt op: 2007-03-05 17:06:10
0 reacties | 164 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
02 Intercontinental : my hotelroom 1

During these missions I always had the very best accomodation and facilities you could dream of ... THAT was the compensation, KBC Bank gave me for the (hard) work ... In Budapest I always stayed at the exclusive Inte [meer]

Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:33:55
Gemaakt op: 2007-02-28 11:10:27

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02 Intercontinental : my hotelroom 1
03 Intercontinental hotel : hotelroom 2 03 Intercontinental hotel : hotelroom 2
In my luxury hotel room, I also had a separated office room with all necessary facilities for preparing the next day meetings, for writing my reports, for mailing the most principal findings to Brussels ... Here I have been workin [meer]

Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:34:11
Gemaakt op: 2007-02-28 11:13:58
0 reacties | 55 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
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Categorie: Familie en vrienden > Diversen
Album ID: 7801
32 foto's - Gastenboek 0 reacties
4259 pagina weergaves
Foto's van:
30-11--0001 tot 09-12-2008
Alle albums van JanWillems

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04 Intercontinental hotel : hotel lounge
The very luxury hotel lounge ... from time to time I came here, tasting a good whisky or cognac (or an Hungarian wine) ....
Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:34:12
Gemaakt op: 2007-02-28 11:21:33
0 reacties | 50 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
04 Intercontinental hotel : hotel lounge
05 Intercontinental hotel : welcome ... 05 Intercontinental hotel : welcome ...
Due to my several visits during the period of 2001 - 2006, I became a 'well known' hotel guest for the hotel management ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:34:26
Gemaakt op: 2007-02-28 11:07:17
0 reacties | 55 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
06 K&H Bank : Head Office

The Bank 's head office was situated at the 'Vigado Ter' ... not so far from the hotel ...

I still remember my first meetings ... I was SUPER prepared ... I (always) wanted to manage my audits in a very high qualitative  [meer]

Toegevoegd op: 2008-12-09 08:34:26
Gemaakt op: 2007-02-28 12:45:32

0 reacties | 62 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
06 K&H Bank : Head Office

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