09 "My retirement - January 2008"
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Fotograaf: JanWillems   
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01 A nice parting-reception offered by the Bank 01 A nice parting-reception offered by the Bank
I was really surprised of the way that KBC organized a very nice reception for my (early) retirement (January 2008) ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:11:41
Gemaakt op: 2008-01-17 16:34:08
0 reacties | 221 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
02 Speeching
I love speeching ... sometimes serious ..sometimes a little humorous ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:11:42
Gemaakt op: 2008-01-17 17:05:57
0 reacties | 132 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
02 Speeching
03 The audience ... 03 The audience ...
There were a lot of colleaugues, also (more than common) a lot General Managers. There were even auditors from Central-Europe ... I  really felt appreciated for my (finished) career as "Senior Auditor" at KBC ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:12:19
Gemaakt op: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
0 reacties | 106 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
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Categorie: Familie en vrienden > Diversen
Album ID: 7564
11 foto's - Gastenboek 0 reacties
4875 pagina weergaves
Foto's van:
30-11--0001 tot 22-06-2008
Alle albums van JanWillems

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04 Sometimes serious ... sometimes humorous
I assume the audience could also appreciate the jokes I put in my "farewell speech" ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:12:20
Gemaakt op: 2008-01-17 17:06:21
0 reacties | 111 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
04 Sometimes serious ... sometimes humorous
05 The reply by Mr Ceyssens, General Manager Audit 05 The reply by Mr Ceyssens, General Manager Audit
Mr. Ceyssens, the General Manager of the KBC Audit Department and member of the Board of Directors was very positive in his speech ... (thank you)
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:12:56
Gemaakt op: 2008-06-22 13:37:56
0 reacties | 122 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
06 The family ...
Wouter, Eva, my brother Louis, his wife, Stijn (not on the photo) were also invited at the parting-party with KBC ...
Toegevoegd op: 2008-11-16 09:12:57
Gemaakt op: 2008-01-17 16:14:43
0 reacties | 86 keer gezien Toevoegen aan mijn selectie
06 The family ...
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